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Theo Eggleston – Executive Director

1. Where are you from? I’ve lived in Florida for the last twenty years.

2. What year did you begin teaching? I began teaching in 1994.

3. Where did you go to school? I attended the University of South Florida.

4. What degrees/certifications do you hold?  I hold BA and MA in History.

5. Describe a “top” teaching moment. Witnessing the enthusiasm of a student, at any age level, when learning takes place and they “just get it.”

6. What part of the Montessori curriculum do you find most exciting/effective? The sequencing of the materials that allows the child to progress naturally from one level to the next.

7. Tell us about your family/hobbies. I have two children, ages 4 and 8, an overly-dependent dog named Molly and a self-sufficient cat, Max.

8. What country have you never visited but would like to. I would like to visit Japan.